Macros make up the game. With this game not allowing your players to be to much different except in look, you almost need to think about your macro to be better then another player. It is a shame that this game does not allow each person to be truly different. It allows you to change the look of who you are but deep down you are all the same in this game.
Let me put it this way.
Your forced down a certain path as a character. Gaining the same moves as everyone else. Sure you have the option to maybe include a few extra from other classes. However they do not make a game changing difference. So this aspect of the game is pointless really. Especially as a tanking class.
You have no talent tree? Alright well that is the main feature of an MMO that allows each character to be different.
So let me say this. You have the same skills, Pretty much the SAME GEAR as everyone else. No huge differences that make one guy stand out the same. Your stats pretty much will always equal others.
So what makes you... you? Your outfit. Final fantasy brought the GAME CHANGING way to look different from everyone else. This was a brilliant idea because now you can stand out of the crowd when your pushing the same exact buttons and the same exact moves with the same exact stats.
Being unique in this game is more based on how good your internet is, what combo of moves you use in what order (macro) and how you present yourself. Because your not going to be different any really any other aspect of this game.
All tanks have the same moves, all healers have the same moves, all DPS have the same moves. You cannot make a game changing class in this because it doesn't allow you to do anything like this in the game. If you have the gear without slots you have no way of being really different.
Being a heavily based PVE game makes this kind of awkward. You can almost surely blame anything on your team if you suck. Because there is nothing that makes you different. You all have good gear? No reason this game is hard.
NON PVP game. The only sorta aspect that allows you to change you is PVP. However the PVP is lacking so much in this game there is just no point to even care with ques lasting longer 30 mins or more unbearable. Plus the gear and modification to your characters only really only being good and sometimes usable only in the PVP world.
If you think I am wrong and that you are truly a unique level 50 without slotted gear and not just in look then enlighten me.
It's Dwarfin' Time!